communion at home

You’re invited to share communion as we continue the practice of Jesus’ followers throughout history. If you are on a journey towards God, even if you’re not sure all of what that means, you are welcome here. Jesus invites all of us to meet with Him here at the table of thanksgiving.

Gather your elements for communion. These may be bread and grape juice but if you’d don’t have those supplies, use what you have to hand. That’s what Jesus did. He took ordinary things - part of a meal he was sharing with friends - and filled them with new meaning.

As you share communion together today, take your time. There’s no rush – in fact, this is a time to linger and enjoy the company of Jesus and the ones you’re sharing this with. It doesn’t need to be quiet and somber. This invitation is good news and worth celebrating. If you’re doing this with others, you can take turns to read out the various parts of this practice. If you have children with you, include them as much as you’re able. Allow some time at the end to pray together and perhaps pray for one another as you finish.