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Father & Son Brekkie

  • The Hub 13 Agency Lane Silverdale, Auckland, 0932 New Zealand (map)

In the digital age, it's not a matter of if young people will come across pornography but when. The prevalence of pornography is spreading rapidly throughout our society, and its long-term effects are yet to be fully understood. However, by equipping parents and children with effective strategies to work together, we can reduce the harmful impact of pornography on young people in Aotearoa.

Brett Harvey from Tāima Kōrero delivers engaging, honest and sensible information on how to talk about pornography with your child or teenager, and why these conversations need to happen. Backed by the latest statistics and research, Brett’s presentations draw on his first-hand knowledge of the negative effects of pornography and provide attendees with an eye-opening insight into the multi-billion dollar industry that is targeting our children. You will leave feeling well-informed and equipped to have these difficult yet essential conversations with your children.

Topics spoken about: 

- God made us as ‘Male’

- Why we need to talk about this as men

- Having conversations with our children and young people about healthy sexuality

- Why as Dads, we need to be our kids Google for anything and everything sexual. 

- If p*rn is a challenge in your life – where to from here?  

- Practical steps and resources

- Supporting each other as a community. 

- Question & Answer

Fill out the form and send your $10pp to the bank details below if you are planning on joining us!

Coast Vineyard Church account details:

Westpac Silverdale
Coast Vineyard Trust

Add reference: Name/F&SBrekkie


If you have any questions flick them through to our Youth Pastor Jake

Earlier Event: 6 November
CAP Money Course - with rego
Later Event: 12 November
Upcoming baptisms